Alejandro's Portfolio Site


Created a tribute page for Ritchie Valens, first project completed via the FreeCodeCamp curriculum through their website. The goal to this project was to simply make a website via HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

Skills Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

This quote generator randomized stored quotes and displayed them on the screen. These links are also attached to the ‘Tweet Out’ and ‘YouTube Clip’ buttons. The ‘Tweet Out’ button allows users to tweet out the quote that’s on their screen and the ‘YouTube Clip’ button shows a YouTube clip.

Skills Used:

  • Javascript
    ( jQuery )
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

The goal of this project was to use every major concept learned in the ASU mobile development class. I noticed there was no app for the local zoo and saw it as a opportunity to make something interesting.

Skills Used:

  • Swift
  • Api Calls
  • Camera Functionality
  • Table Views
  • Core Data
  • Geocoding

Alejandro T. Rayas

Currently, working in the financial industry at American Express in Phoenix, Arizona. Primary duties revolve working with software that targets our corporate cards and fufill the needs of our clients. Exmaple would be making a B2B experiece to enhace status quo. Tech Knowlege: Java, Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap3, SQL, Junit, Javascript, React, Github


Contact Info

Email: Phone: 6026961550